Architecture and Children program in Egypt was initiated in 2012 as part of the architecture committee, supreme council for culture, Ministry of culture, Egypt, aiming atcommunicating architecture to children and youth. With experts of academics, architectsand volunteers of architecture students, collaborative efforts have helped developing the “National Program for Architecture and Children”, under the auspices of the EgyptianSociety of Architects (the Egyptian Section of the UIA). The program reaches out to children and youth in schools, social clubs, children centers and children libraries. Through its various modules, the program works on offering children and youth built environment education envisioned and devised by the UIA charter (BEE). It encompasses modules that introduce both theoretical and handson experience pertaining to the nature of architecture as a cultural product, history of architecture, creativity and design, urbanism, sustainability and quality of life. Through serious of lectures, workshops and camps, the program develops tools and media that can aid educational programs at schools.
Member: Heba Safey Eldeen (The Society of Egyptian Architects)