The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) is the Regulatory and Support body for Architects in Ireland. Our remit includes engaging with members and the public to promote the value of quality in architecture; to deliver attractive and sustainable built environments; to enrich our distinctive culture and heritage; to contribute to the competitiveness of our economy; and to improve quality of life for the people of Ireland, today and for generations to come. The RIAI has participated in recent months in a series of stakeholders consultation forums organised by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment as part of their preparation of a draft new specification for the Junior cycle Visual Art Curriculum. The RIAI was a stakeholder in developing and implementing Ireland’s national architecture policy. The policy has a key focus on raising awareness of architectural quality. The objective is to develop in the community an understanding of architecture, landscape, and urban design and of the processes by which our environment is shaped. The RIAI also supports the Irish Architecture Foundation who have developed over the last years a number of educational programmes, including an urban design project for young people and the National Architects in School Initiative.
Guest: Ann Mc Nicholl (Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland - RIAI)